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16 Soal Tentang Simple Present Tense + Kunci Jawaban

Soal Pilgan Simple Present Tense 

1. My father … tea every morning.
a. Drink
b. Drinks
c. Drinking
d. Is

b. Drinks

2. They … a test every week.
a. Does
b. Has
c. Are
d. Have

d. Have

3. Dolph: Please call me if you need.
Jack: No. I … need your help.
a. Do not
b. Does
c. Not
d. Am not

a. Do not

4. She is a student. She … at school.
a. Studying
b. Study
c. Studies
d. Does

c. Studies

5. They…..badminton every weekend
a. Playing
b. Plays
c. Played
d. Play

d. Play

6. We … soccer match.
a. Do
b. Watching
c. Watches
d. Watch

d. Watch

7. She ……a bread every morning
a. Eating
b. Ate
c. Eats
d. Eat

c. Eats

8. Diana …….every morning
a. Takes a bath
b. Take a bath
c. Taking a bath
d. Took a bath

a. Takes a bath

9. Our Math teacher ... check the attendance list every day.
a. Do not
b. Does not
c. Did not
d. Not doing

b. Does not

10. One of my friends always . . . . . to bali every year.
a. Go
b. Goes
c. To go
d. Going

b. Goes

11. We…..lyric of the song
a. Made
b. Making
c. Makes
d. Make

d. Make

12. He…… me
a. Laughs
b. Laugh
c. Laughing
d. Lauged

a. Laughs

13. We……a letter for me
a. Sending
b. Sent
c. Send
d. Sends

c. Send

14. Marzuki . . . . . . . a very thick book about Indonesian History.
a. Has
b. Have
c. Had
d. Hid

a. Has

15. Gina cooks fried rice. It … amazing.
a. Does
b. Do
c. Are
d. Is

d. Is

16. . . . . . you have enough time to attend the party?
a. Does
b. Did
c. Didn’t
d. Do

d. Do