7 Soal Materi Correlative Conjunction + Kunci Jawaban
Soal (Uraian) Correlative Conjunction

1. How do you diagram correlative conjunctions?
Diagramming a sentence using correlative conjunctions allows you to see where parallel structure is needed, because both halves of the correlative conjunction must use the same parts of speech in the same order if they are to present a balanced correlation.
2. What are the 5 pairs of correlative conjunctions?
Correlative conjunctions work in pairs to join words, phrases, or clauses. The correlative conjunctions are either...or, neither... nor, both...and, not only...but also, whether...or. Joining words: My uncle is not only a doctor but also a pharmacist.
3. Do correlative conjunctions need commas?
Correlative conjunction pairs include either/or; neither/nor; whether/or; both/and; not only/but also. These pairs of words connect coordinated structures in a sentence. You usually do not use a comma with correlative conjunctions
4. Tuliskan pengertian correlative conjunction !
Correlative conjunction adalah kata penghubung yang digunakan berpasangan untuk menunjukkan hubungan antara dua kata, frasa (Phrase), atau klausa (Clause) element kalimat yang dihubungkan biasanya bersifat parallel (kedudukannya sejajar) secara struktur garamatikal.
5. Tuliskan contoh kalimat correlative conjunction menggunakan kata hubung As … as (se-)!
Contoh: Sarah as beautiful as her mother. (Sarah secantik ibunya)
6. Tuliskan contoh kalimat correlative conjunction menggunakan kata hubung Between … and … (diantara … dan …)!
Contoh: There are no difference between he and his father. (Tidak ada perbedaan antara dia dan ayahnya)
7. Tuliskan contoh kalimat correlative conjunction menggunakan kata hubung The more … the less (semakin banyak …, semakin sedikit …), the more … the more (semakin banyak …, semakin banyak)!
a) The more we learn grammar, the less we face the difficulty in writing. (Semakin banyak kita mempelajari grammar, semakin sedikit kita menghadapi kesulitan di dalam menulis)
b) The more you give alms to others, the more you get rewards from God. (Semakin banyak kamu memberi sedekah kepada orang lain, semakin banyak kamu mendapat imbalan dari Tuhan)