9 Soal Materi Countable Noun + Kunci Jawaban
Soal (Uraian) Countable Noun

1. Is anger a countable noun?
The noun anger can be countable or uncountable. In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be anger.
2. Is glass a countable noun?
Glass. [countable] (often in compounds) a container, usually made of glass, used for drinking out of a water glass a wine glass Do you have a plastic glass for the little girl? [countable] the contents of a glass a glass of juice/wine/water, etc.
3. Is tomato countable or uncountable noun?
(countable) A tomato is also the plant bearing tomatoes. Tomatoes were imported from Central America to Europe in the sixteenth century. (uncountable) The matter which tomatoes are made of. Ketchup sauce contains some amount of tomato.
4. Is butter a countable noun?
Certain things, such as butter or water, cannot be counted as they are typically an undifferentiated mass. Other examples include “sand,” “milk,” and “coffee.” Many abstract concepts are uncountable nouns, too, including “music,” “love,” “happiness” and “sadness.” Uncountable nouns are also known as “mass nouns.
5. Is pasta a countable noun
Pasta is uncountable. SO we would say 'this pasta is delicious' for example. But noodles are countable
6. How do you teach countable nouns?
Draw a line down the middle of the board to divide it into two halves. On one side write countable and on the other write uncountable. Students should have no trouble coming up with examples of countable nouns, but if they are in doubt remind them of things they can add a number to: Can we say five children?
7. Is Sugar countable noun?
Uncountable nouns have no plurals, and cannot normally be used with a/an. Sugar is an uncountable noun
8. Is student a countable noun?
Countable nouns are the words for things that we can count. Countable nouns have singular and plural forms. Examples are: boy, boys, girl, girls, flower, flowers, book, books, chair, chairs, student, students etc. ... Uncountable nouns are the words for things that cannot be counted.
9. Is coffee a countable or uncountable noun?
The word 'coffee' is uncountable. It is a singular noun with no article. However, if you say: 'There are many different coffees for sale in that store', you mean different types of coffee, so in this case it's a plural noun, and therefore countable. and if you say: 'How many coffees did you order?'