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12 Soal Tentang Correlative Conjunction + Kunci Jawaban

Soal Pilgan Correlative Conjunction 

1. Either the teacher ... the students are planning to come.
A. nor
B. or
C. and
D. but also

B. Or

2. Not only my car ... my motorcycle is broken.
A. either
B. but also
C. both
D. and

B. But also

3. Both Emily ... Cathy are from Paris.
A. nor
B. or
C. and
D. but also

C. And

4. I have met ... his father and his mother.
A. either
B. both
C. neither
D. and

B. Both

5. Neither Jack ... Clark are here.
A. nor
B. and
C. or
D. but also

A. Nor

6. I’ll buy either book ... magazine tomorrow.
A. or
B. and
C. nor
D. but also 

A. Or

7. He likes ... coffee nor tea.
A. both
B. neither
c. either
d. and

B. Neither

8. I’ll eat ... pancake or salad.
A. neither
B. either
C. but also
D. and

B. Either

9. She is neither polite ... funny.
A. Or
B. Nor
C. Not
D. Yet

B. Nor

10. ... that is the case, ... I’m not surprised about what’s happening.
A. If / then
B. No sooner / than
C. Scarcely / when
D. Whether / or

A. If / then

11. Have you made a decision about ... to go to the movies ... not?
A. If / then
B. Either / or
C. Whether / or
D. What with / and

C. Whether / or

12. .... had I put my umbrella away, ... it started raining.
A. No sooner / than
B. If / then
C. What with / and
D. Neither / nor

A. No sooner / than