4 Soal Materi Possessive Adjective + Kunci Jawaban
Soal (Uraian) Possessive Adjective

1. What is possessive adjectives in English?
They are words that modify a noun to show a form of possession, a sense of belonging or ownership to a specific person, animal or thing. The possessive adjectives that are used in the English language are: my, your, our, its, her, his, and their; each one corresponds to a subject pronoun.
2. How are possessive adjectives used?
Possessive adjectives are used to show possession or ownership of something. While we use them when we refer to people, it is more in the sense of relationship than ownership. The possessive adjective needs to agree with the possessor and not with the thing that is possessed.
3. What is difference between possessive adjective and possessive pronoun?
A possessive adjective is always followed by a noun. Examples are: your phone, my brother, his dog etc. A possessive pronoun is used without a noun. Examples are: his, hers, yours, theirs, ours, mine etc
4. Is its a possessive adjective?
Possessive adjectives are my, your, his, her, its, our, their. Possessive adjectives occur before a noun (my car) or an adjective + noun (my new car). Rule 3. Possessive adjectives have no singular or plural