5 Soal Materi Causative Verb + Kunci Jawaban
Soal (Uraian) Causative Verb

1. What is the have a causative verb?
We use causative verbs to show that someone or something caused something to happen. Causative verbs are: get, have, make, let and help
2. How do you use causative verbs?
We use a causative verb when we want to talk about something that someone else did for us or for another person. It means that the subject caused the action to happen, but didn't do it themselves. Maybe they paid, or asked, or persuaded the other person to do it.
3. What is causative in English grammar?
We use the causative in English to say that we have arranged for someone to do something for us. He had his jacket cleaned. (He didn't clean it himself.) The causative is formed with 'have + object + past participle' The past participle has a passive meaning.
4. Tuliskan pengertian causative verb !
Causative verb merupakan kata kerja yang kita gunakan untuk menyuruh atau seseorang melakukan suatu hal bisa dengan cara halus (meminta tolong dengan sopan sampai memerintah) dan cara kasar (memaksa) ataupun bisa juga dengan cara membayar
5. Kata let berarti kamu telah memberi izin pada orang lain untuk melakukan sesuatu. Misalnya?
1. I let you drive me home tonight. (Aku memperbolehkan kamu untuk mengantarku pulang malam ini.)
2. They let Patricia borrow their history books. (Mereka mengizinkan Patricia meminjam buku sejarah.)