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15 Soal Tentang Reflexive Pronoun + Kunci Jawaban

Soal Pilgan Reflexive Pronoun 

1. Jane is going to finish our homework...
A. myself
B. yourself
C. himself
D. herself

D. Herself

2. I cook the food ...
A. myself
B. yourself
C. himself
D. herself

A. Myself

3. You have to come ... to my house
A. myself
B. yourself
C. himself
D. herself

B. Yourself

4. He solved that problem...
A. yourself
B. myself
C. himself
D. herself 

C. Himself

5. Iam going to but ..... a doll
A. Ourselves
B. Myself
C. Himself
D. Herself

B. Myself

6. “Don’t harm … !” Wenny shouted to him.
A. Themselves
B. Yourselves
C. Himself
D. Yourself

D. Yourself

7. I think we need to allow … to grow stronger.
A. Yourselves
B. Ourself
C. Themselves
D. Ourselves

D. Ourselves

8. Brian, don’t blame...for the accident. It wasn’t your fault. You did everything you could to avoid it.
A. herself
B. himself
C. myself
D. yourself

D. Yourself

9. I couldn’t believe my good luck! I had to make sure I wasn’t dreaming.
A. myself
B. itself
C. theirselves
D. herself

A. Myself

10. A newborn puppy can’t take care of...
A. myself
B. itself
C. theirselves
D. herself

B. Itself

11. I know Nicole and Paul have had some bad luck, but it’s time for them to stop feeling sorry for...and get on with their lives.
A. myself
B. itself
C. theirselves
D. herself

C. Theirselves

12. Jane and I ran into someone she knew. I’d never met this person before. I waited for Jane to introduce me, but she forgot her manners. I finally Jane’s friend.
A. myself
B. itself
C. theirselves
D. myself

D. Myself

13. I belive you can do it ...
A. yourself
B. myself
C. himself
D. herself

A. Yourself

14. I ...will speak to him
A. yourself
B. myself
C. himself
D. herself

B. Myself

15. Sara is self-employed. She doesn’t have a boss. She works for....
A. herself
B. himself
C. yourself
D. myself

A. Herself